xg 2020夏季大片video
explore the theme of " the past vs. the future "
xg 2020 夏季广告大片,特邀新生代超模姐妹花出镜,置身欧洲古罗马式建筑群之间,以轻松优雅的度假视角展开拍摄,开启对 “ 过去 vs 未来 ” 的慢时光主题探索,创造都会旅人悠然自得的出行新风貌。
among the ancient romanesque buildings in europe, shoot from a relaxed and elegant perspective of vacation, explore the theme of " the past vs. the future " in slow time, and create a new style of leisure travel for city ladys.
summer 2020 · urban leisure
" 都会旅人 "
fashion campaign