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2020/1/17 20:36:33发布128次查看
反光条:高亮二类、一类(化纤,t/c),普亮,3m 8906、8910。
   本公司已有近10年专业生产反光安全服装的历史,产品分别达到欧洲的en471,en1150标准,美国的ansi标准,澳大利亚的as标准,还具有环保检测证书。服装生产车间现总共拥有目前行内最先进的电脑平车,双针车, ,配备专业的检线检针人员.是国内生产规模大、生产品种齐、质量安全检测最高的企业之一。
警察,路政人员,交通指挥者,公路养护人员,摩托和自行车的驾驶者,暗光下工作者等等需要用光 警告的地方工作者。
en471: 2003 high-visibility warning clothing 
en471 high visibility garmentsclass 2
intermediate level of protection
class 3
highest level of
sleeveless waistcoats, tabards, bib and brace trousers
coats and jackets with sleeves, coveralls, two piece suits
0.5m2 fluorescent material
0.13m2 retroreflective material
0.8m2 fluorescent material
0.2m2 retroreflective material
in-use test requirementsretroreflective materials
fluorescent materials
brightness after:-
rainfall performancetemperature variationabrasioncold foldingflexingwashingdry cleaning uv exposuredimensional changewater vapour resistancecolour fastnessmechanical properties
why has en471 been revised?all en standards can be revised every 5 years, if this is considered necessary.
en471 was first published in 1994 and the european technical committee decided to start the en471 revision process in 1999.
revision was based on requests from test houses and committee members asking for minor changes to be made to the standard, mainly in the area of increased design freedom.
the revision work has now been finished, and the new standard –en471:2003- was made official in april 2004.what has changed?1. fluorescent background materials
the garment must have similar quantities of fluorescent material on the front and back of the garment. 
the colour box for fluorescent red and red-orange background materials has been made slightly larger.
the colour box for fluorescent yellow stays the same, but minimum luminance factor (brightness) is slightly lower.
minimum tensile strength is now related to the weight of the fabric.
the requirement for bursting strength is reduced.
harnesses, tabards and non-breathable waistcoats do not need to be tested for water vapour resistance
any non-fluorescent materials in the garment should be tested for colour fastness. 2. retroreflective materials
retroreflective bands can have an inclination of a maximum of 20°
retroreflective bands on the sleeves do not need to correspond to the stripes on the torso (clause 4.2.4)
retroreflective bands on the legs can be freely positioned from the bottom of the leg.
for garments that are expected to be commercially laundered, retroreflective material must be tested according to iso15797 industrial laundering wash test method for 5 cycles. design: some new possibilities
what next?en 471: 2003 is now the valid version of the standard.
any new garment designs manufactured from now onwards must be certified to this new version of en471.
existing garment designs with ec type certification do not need re-certification, provided that en471:1994 is clearly referenced on the label (advice from mtl).
concerns from background coated fabric manufacturers re. reference to a new breathability test method within en471 for waterproof garments.
uk version of en471:2003 contains a national foreward describing these objections.
due to expressed concerns from background materials manufacturers and some additional imprecision noted by the benelux regions, an amendment process has been started.  (an amendment is like a revision of a standard, but strictly limited to only a few discussion points.)  modifications to the standard have been drafted and are now in the approval phase.  the amended standard might be published already in 2007, if european agreement is immediately reached.  main proposed changes are in the colour fastness requirements of background materials.
buyers advised to check with suppliers to make sure that their specification still allows them to use their preferred fabric.



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